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Portable welding screen are massively important as they keep around the welding area protected against welding sparks or arc lights for the safety of those around you during welding. This is an easy-assembly, sturdy, mobile welding frame 1.8m x 1.8m PVC curtain with a mobile frame. 


Lo-Wis Green welding curtain provides visibility of the arc and immediate vicinity once illuminated with V and IR protection from the arc. As well as sparks and spatter from the weld. 


Easily connected to multiple frames to produce an enclosure to provide safer working environment by protecting those passing by. These portable welding screen sets come with full assembly instructions and castors for portability. 


Key Features:

  • It is easy to connect one frame to another to form enclosures, creating a safer working environment.
  • Optimised and boxed for easy shipping/storage. 
  • Lo-Vis Green providing visibility of the arc and immediate vicinity onceilluminated 
  • CE approved to BS EN ISO 25980

Portable Welding Screen Kit