EWM PicoTIG 200 MV puls TG, is a gas-cooled DC TIG inverter welding machine for clean and safe seams in forced positions and root passes. This welder has various adjustable features to make your welding a bit easier.
Portability to ensure you can weld wherever you're needed with a lightweight machine and comfortable shoulder strap you can move around your workshop. Not only portability but energy saving as well thanks to high efficiency and standby function.
Key Features:
- Electronic HF start
- TIG lift arc welding
- Adjustable up the slope and down slope time.
- Adjustable gas pre- and post-flow time
- Adjustable hot start current and hot start time
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EWM PicoTig 200 MV puls TG TIG Welder
SKU: TR29-090-002059-00502