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JAC-2  cleaner is a solvent-based cleaner that removes oils, mastics, greases and other contaminants leaving minimal residue when it evaporates. Can be used for pre-cleaning components before testing, removing excess surface penetrant from an inspection area before applying developer and post-cleaning components after NDT processes have been completed. Compatible with the NEOPEN family of liquid penetrant consumable products. 


Key Features:

  • Testing Methods: A and C
  • Carrier Fluid: Hydrocarbon Mixture
  • Propellant: Dimethyl Ether
  • Flammability: Extremely Flammable 




  • Surface Preparation: 
  • Remove ExcessPenetrant
  • Application versatility
  • Minimise risk of missing a flaw
  • Convenient to use



Johnson & Allen Jac-2 Cleaner & Degreaser
