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Truflame Welding Equipment

Gas Equipment Safety Inspection  

Updated: Jul 19, 2024

What is a gas safety inspection?  


A gas safety check is a legal requirement to ensure that gas equipment used in the workplace is in a safe condition. This is a yearly check that all employers must have to protect themselves and their employees, checked by a trained professional.  


To conform to regulations, you are required to keep your gas equipment maintained and checked regularly. The British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA’s) Code of Practice 7 (CP7) recommends that equipment be checked annually and replaced every five years. This is mandatory under the Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmosphere Regulations (DSEAR) and endorsed by the HSE. 


It is a legal requirement for any application where the use of Acetylene is present to carry a flashback arrestor. All flashback arrestors that we supply comply with BS EN 730-1 and are BAM certified. 


  • Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: This includes duties employers have towards employees and members of the public, employees have to themselves and to each other and certain self-employed have towards themselves and others. 

  • Statutory Instrument 1998 No. 2306: The operator of either an installed or a mobile system shall ensure that it is properly maintained and in good repair to prevent danger. 

  • Statutory Instrument 2000 No. 128: Requires equipment to be examined regularly. 


Gas safety inspection
CP7 / CP47 Gas Safety Inspection

Types of safety checks 


Two types of safety checks depend on the gas used on your worksite.  

  • CP7: Check applies using oxyfuel gases. 

  • CP47: Check applies using single-cylinder gas. 



The British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA’s) Code of Practice 7 (CP7) recommends that equipment be checked annually and replaced every five years. This is mandatory under the Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmosphere Regulations (DSEAR) and endorsed by the HSE. 


During a CP7 inspection equipment will be inspected to ensure there’s no unsafe equipment that could result in serious injury and help test the functionality and leak test all components as well as know to offer full technical advice and make recommendations for your gas equipment. To ensure all equipment is to current standards and regulations. 



The BCGA’s Code of Practice 47 (CP47 also recommended that equipment be checked annually and replaced every five years. A CP47 inspection, will involve the following inspection: 

•      Single and multi-stage regulator inspection 

•      Correct fitting of gas regulators 

•      Using hoses safely 



What happens after inspection? 


After your inspection, your equipment will either pass or fail. If your equipment passes the inspection, you’ll receive a thorough examination report showing written evidence that you are proactively following the Health and Safety Executive requirements and a certificate. 


If any of your equipment fails, the Report of Thorough Examinations will flag these areas up and allow your Truflame inspection to help you replace any parts on the spot so you can be sure your equipment is safe to use.  



At Truflame we have the experience and knowledge to guide you seamlessly through your gas safety inspection needs. Our fully trained and knowledgeable engineers can give quality advice and detailed safety inspection

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